Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It's funny because it's true.


seantk said...

I meant to ask you about this comic at B2FII. I laugh at it until the last bullet point. Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the "Fail to..." off and start it with, "Automatically imagines the worst......" That seems like it's more anxiety-ridden than failing to imagine the worst possible outcome. Failing to imagine the worst possible outcome probably is a good thing. Right?

Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Just something that's bothered me about it.

Bubbalini's was fun times. Except for the bill.

ManUtd17 said...

If you fail to do that though, you need to try the product. I think that's the point.

It was fun last night. The bill was outrageous though.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I couldn't wait to show it to Bryan.

seantk said...

Ah, I see.

I like the stressed look on the stick figure's face.

ManUtd17 said...

I read the strip every day.

The guy's a little off, but he does some funny stuff.

tatum said...

aren't you gonna post about your boy tebow? he's totally post worthy.