Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Our wonderful, crazy dog Moses

As some of you know, Moses has been having some health issues this summer and fall. Over the last couple of weeks we had narrowed it down to what we thought to be cancer. After a seizure this morning, he was diagnosed with one of two kinds of cancer. Chemotherapy isn't an option for us because of his advanced age and how hard it would be on him. Cortizone was an option, and he did have one shot of that this morning, but as the day has gone on Jen has felt that buying more time with the cortizone is just for us . . . for us to have more time with him. We've already had the very best times with him and feel that keeping him here longer would just be selfish. Even though it shatters our hearts over and over, we are going to have him euthanized tomorrow night around 7:30 p.m. A friend will be keeping Keegan, and Jen and I will be there together to say goodbye to him, along with Murphy. We appreciate all of your prayers. As the realization begins to set in, every fiber in our being fights against it. We know it's the very best final gift we can give to such a wonderful dog who has given us so much over the last nine years. Thanks for your love and prayers.

Moses and Murphy on our old couch.

Murphy and Moses guarding the porch on Halloween 2004.


Anonymous said...
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Steven Carr said...

Do dogs have meaningful lives?