Monday, November 19, 2007


Why is laughter so hard to come by at times? There is much about which to laugh. Often, there is much to laugh about in the mirror. I know my reflection doubles over a lot.

I can remember when laughter was so easy to come by. For a while now, laughter comes not so easily. That can be disheartening. I don't like that. I like to laugh.


brad said...

I can't think of anything funny to write right now, so check this out to laugh:

Bekah said...

JM and I chatted about this the other day and I agree with you completely! Laughing is the BEST so why the heck don't we do it more often? Life isn't THAT serious is it?

Anonymous said...

Laugh at this... my brother (your favorite of my brothers) called me tonight at 10:15 PM to say "I caught my first criminals". After his mailbox was smashed once, he and his OCD setup multiple cameras to catch the perpetrators. Cameras run day and night and save video to his computer in hopes of catching a glimpse of the BMW X5 driven by the the Walton or Pope football players on a dare. Tonight two brothers smashed his next door neighbors mail box with a large rock. My brother called the cops who caught the kids. Despite camera 2 (meant for license plates) recording the entire incident, his neighbor chose not to press charges. However, a breathalyzer resulted in the minors being cuffed and stuffed. He was so proud, as if he had landed an albino marlin. I am worried the brothers parents will soon be dawning ninja attire for payback. My suggestion of building a brick mailbox was not received well.

Anonymous said...

10 reasons to laugh:
Paulous McManous
Backyard BBQ
My Tennis Game
Forget It
Trucker Butt
Oh, Oh Sheila
Bees! More funny for me.
Down the wing!
South Cobb High School Game Balls

ManUtd17 said...

Brad -- thanks that was pretty funny. I'll have to check out a bunch of those other clips of Hedberg.

Bekah -- I have a tendency to over-serious things. It's a curse.

Kooky -- your brother is awesome! That is classic! He needs to post that on youtube so we all can enjoy it.

That list made me laugh out loud! Thanks! I may have to break out that trucker butt story for a post. It's too good.

Thanks y'all.

carolineb said...

I blog and read blogs so I can laugh. And, you make me laugh.